Any routine actions become a habit and are automated by the brain because it's efficient—even if the habit has a negative effect on our lives. It can be automatic to make sarcastic comments. It can be a habit to nag your spouse for things they haven't completed or even pick fights when things are going well. It's common to replace quality time with pass-by logistics and talking about scheduling conflicts and the latest news. And of course, there's always Instagram or Netflix to ignore the gnawing feeling that something's missing in our relationship.
However, it's not so easy to shift when a habit of criticism or discontent sets in. Mindlessly the days fly by and couples can forget to take the time every day for loving gestures that nurture one another and strengthen their relationship. Don't let love pass you by on cruise control.
Are you tolerating an unhappy relationship?
Have you gotten lazy in love?
Are you neglecting the muscles that strengthen your love life?
Has your kindness to your partner gotten a little flabby? Are you cultivating a healthy and loving bond or are you saying and doing things that increase the distance between you?