The world is not the same as before - as the current pandemic spreads, negative information is all around us. Now more than ever, it is a lot easier for us to overlook the good that surrounds us and focus on the bad.
Unfortunately, human beings are wired to pay attention to the negative. We suffer from something called a ‘Negativity Bias’; this means that we are primed to pay more attention to the negative aspects of a situation. This wiring is more of a survival instinct and is most definitely not a bad thing - after all, when we recognise something dangerous or threatening in our environment, we are more likely to take action to deal with it. At the same time, this bias can get in the way of our happiness.
When it comes to gratitude, even something as small as saying ‘Thank-you’ can make a big difference. The key to building a gratitude habit is to practise appreciating others regularly - whether that’s writing a thank-you letter to a colleague, getting a meaningful gift for your family member or simply smiling at a loved one.
When you can open your eyes and become aware of things that are positive in this world or in your life, you will experience a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. This doesn’t mean that you live in a state of denial and ignore the negatives. You simply keep in mind that in the midst of all the negativity and chaos, you can appreciate the good things that life has in store for you.