This one time, a few relatives came over to visit. After the greetings and formalities, the dreaded question arose – “So what are you doing these days?” It can often get difficult communicating what I really do as a therapist, and why does the world need more of our kind (read narcissism).
As I begin my long and oft-repeated job description, my uncle interrupts – “The girl is in to ‘Therapy Sherapy’”, to which everyone looked at me and while nodding approvingly. “Oh, good work, good work”, one said.
I look at my mom and said “Therapy Sherapy?!?” The term almost has a lightness attached to it and a desi-ness that intrigues me.
A profession that’s all about complexity of human mind, human potential and layered with intricate emotions becomes Therapy Sherapy.
I call this – Indianization of my professional avatar. 🔥
He surely needs some therapy :)